The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anatomy Reading Reaction and Response 4

Below are mini-research papers written by your classmate. Choose the topic that interests you and read a couple of the reports there. (Or read all of them! They're great!) When you have finished write a response below:



Hear Murmur:

Heart Attack:

Deep Vein Thrombosis:



  1. I read Eamonn's because I was interested in heart murmurs. I remember when I was younger my friend telling me they had a heart murmur. Eamonn explained that there are abnormal and innocent types and even though my friend had an innocent one, just the name is scary. No one ever wants to hear there's something wrong with their heart!Now that we have learned the parts of the heart and how they work, I understand how an innocent heart murmur should not be so alarming.I learned about aneurysms so it was interesting to read something else.

    1. I read Caity's essay about heart murmur for the simple fact that i myself have a heart murmur and as my doctor had said that didn't have anything serious. I found it interesting that it also occurs within adults and that a heart murmur can be a very dangerous thing as well. Its still interesting to find out something about something that i have myself and because we are learning about the heart now and valves.

      - Deidra

  2. I read Herbie's essay about deep vein thrombosis because it was something that I haven't heard as often as heart attack or stroke. I learned that sometimes a bruise can cause this, which I found interesting, but it can also be treated. I also liked what Herbie said about the best way to prevent this is by people taking care of their bodies by exercising and eating right. - Micayla G

  3. I read Brooke's paper about heart attacks I didn't know that all heart attacks had to start from blood clots so that blood could not pass through. Heart attacks are also common very common among men and women. To help the person it has to happen very quickly people, unless they can have lasting damage to the heart or death. -Shalyse

  4. i read Kathryns essay about a heart attack. i am very interested in the heart. i didn't know the heart attack is the blocking of one of the coronary arteries. its also weird that a heart attack could occur at random times of ones life. and i was wondering if there has ever been someone who found a cure for heart attack. I also think that it is insane that if one part of the heart cannot get oxygen and blood than it can cause a heart attack and possibly the death of a person. i thought kathryns essay was really informing and thought provocative. -jade rivera

  5. I read Yetunde's essay about aneurysms. I had heard of aneurysms but never knew what they were. I now know that aneurysms are balloon like bulges that form in the arteries. Also these are caused by the force of blood pushing against weakened or injured walls. I found this interesting because I pictured an artery to be this small vessel so for something so large to form shocked me. Thanks Yetunde!

  6. I read Eamonn's paper about Heart Murmurs and I can honestly say that I never knew there was such a thing. I heard about how it was possible for the heart to have some abnormalities due to some heart conditions, but I guess I never really looked into it. I wasn't really surprised, but reading Eamonn's personal insight about his past experience with having Heart Murmurs, I did get surprised. It just shows how close to home these things are and how many people around you can have certain internal problems, but you could never know because it's almost expected for every part of your body to be "normal".

  7. I read Stephen's paper about strokes, which I originally thought had to do with nerves being disturbed throughout the body. I didn't know they were caused by a lack of blood flowing to the brain. This interested me because when I think of strokes, I think of football players. I remember Tedy Bruschi had a stroke a few years back because of a big hit during a game, so apparently big collisions can cause loss of brain function which is scary to think about. Damages that strokes cause to the body are frightening, such as loss of movement of certain limbs or speech impediments. It's amazing how the brain controls the rest of the body because if something happens to the brain, the entire body can be impacted. -Eamonn

  8. I read Emily's paper on Aneurysms, and I did not know anything about them before I read it. I was shocked to find out that aneurysms are passed down through genetics. It seems strange that the bulging of an artery can be passed down to another generation. I also found it interesting that men are more likely to have aneurysms than women because all of the people I know who have had aneurysms were women. I also think that it is interesting that having low blood pressure is likely to prevent aneurysms than having high blood pressure. Overall, this was very interesting because I learned a lot about aneurysms that I didn't know before. -Kathryn Zablocki

  9. after reading stephens paper strokes became clearer to me. i didnt know that strokes came from a lack of blood to the brian and high impact situtions. this scares me because there are many boxers, who in their later life have had problems and strokes and other diseases. limbs will be effected when a stroke is had and my uncle lost mobility in his left arm due to a stroke. you never think it can happen top you and its scary to think that it could. Ms. leavitt am i at a higher risk because i box?- Eric

    1. Eric - I think you are at a higher risk only because you could sustain some blows to the head over the course of your boxing career, but I don't think you should worry too much. Just be sure to see a doctor regularly (as everyone should do) and make sure if you ever have any serious blows to the head to get it checked out. That's important even just to look for concussion. Football players like Tedy Bruschi are obviously more at risk because its sort of an everyday occurrence for them.

  10. After reading Courtney's paper, I did not realize that having to fast of a heart rate could be bad for someone. I thought that because someone got blood pumped quicker meant that they could get more energy. I'm know understanding that that is not true. This also had me questioning how a pacemaker works? How can the heart change its rhythm due to the pace maker?

    1. That last one was Mark

    2. The pacemaker simply regulates the beating. It takes over for the nodes in the heart that normally do that.

  11. I find Heart Murmurs very interesting. I wonder what would happen if a person was pregnant and they had a heart murmur, would that potentially affect the baby? Also how do pacemakers change the rhythm of a heart when it is suddenly put on there? Why doesnt the heart continue the pace it was going before? I find it very fascinating that the heart can make extra noises though. That it weird. ~Gelonnkkkssss aka Gelonnie

  12. Deep vein thrombosis wasn't the most interesting thing to read about. I picked it because it was in a song i knew, and i wanted clarification on what that actually was. It seems like it is life threatening, but most people catch it before it gets serious enough to possibly travel to the heart or lungs. Maybe it wasn't as interesting because it's not like it's a disease or something that you have to live the rest of your life with. You go to the doctor to fix it and then the blood clot is gone. Of course the clot has a possibility of showing up again, but you can still go through the same procedure to get it removed. Eventhough I may have not found it very interesting to read about, it is stil an extremely dangerous thing to happen to your body.
    ~Milan Anderson

  13. I read Yetunde's paper on Aneurysms because I have heard the term before, but did not actually understand what it was. I found this very scary because I usually do not think about all of the problems that occur in your heart, and these problems can have serious effects if left untreated. It is also scary that clots can form in your major arteries that are responsible for carrying blood to your entire body. Like Herbie, I find it shocking that such a large clot can form in arteries. I am glad that I now understand Aneurysms, and thank you Yetunde for informing me about them!

  14. I read the two papers on heart attack. I found that they were both very similar to stroke. The blood clots form and depending on where they go and where they form. It is kind of upsetting that the number one cause of death is heart attack, a completely avoidable disease for most. I have a question, is that a statistic for the United States only, because that would be more upsetting if it was. This indicates that there needs to be more of a push to combat obesity in America, just an hour or two of excersize and some fruit and vegetables each day should be enough to stop this, but that appears to be too hard for most. I have a final question, what happens if a clot forms in the veins?

    1. If it formed in the veins it would be much like deep vein thrombosis. As far as heart attacks go - it looks like they are the leading cause of death in the US (or at least 'heart disease' in general is). For the world it is also heart disease, but if you look at low-income countries in specific it is respiratory infections. Check it out
