The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein

Friday, January 30, 2015

ARR # 3 Period 2

Can people die of a broken heart? Check this out! In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.


  1. I found this article very interesting. After reading this article, I do believe people can die of a broken heart. Losing someone can often cause stress, anxiety and panic attacks on people. It is common for one that has lost someone to feel hopeless. For example, in Dorothy Lee’s case an unexpected death occurred which triggered heart pains. I believe that this is because of all the stress she had, she had no time to prepare for the passing of her husband, one day he was there and the next he was gone. As stated in the article “the brain processes [deaths] as a form of physical discomfort”. I do believe deaths can cause physical discomfort, because of my own personal experience with losing my grandmother. I felt run down for weeks, I just did not feel the same and I can understand that it can mentally affect you but also physically affect you as well. Overall I believe that in extreme circumstances that one can die of a broken heart, depending on the cause of the death and the relationship you had with that person.

  2. Like Casey said I do think people can die of a broken heart. A sudden death can cause health problems to arise that were not really there or that were dormant before. Also a sudden death can cause someone to feel guilty because maybe they were not there enough or it ca cause someone to just become sad and depressed and that can lead to their own death. All the love they had for that person is still there, but they cannot express it as much because the person is gone. Like in Dorothy's case her husband's sudden death depressed her and she suffered from broken heart syndrome.

  3. I disagree with Erika and believe that somebody can die of a broken heart. My reason for this is that when someone like Dorothy got really sad and became depressed this causes her immune system to get worse. This led to complications which affected her heart as well as other problems which caused her to get sick. She died because her husbands death caused her too much grief and cannot handle it.

  4. I disagree with James. I think that it is possible for someone to die of a broken heart. The loss of a loved one is hard for everybody. It causes high stress levels which can cause problems for a person's health. This is what caused Dorothy Lee's "broken heart." She was going through a period of grief because she had lost her husband. This caused her body to stop working properly. I agree with James that the loss of her husband was too much to handle. However, to me that is exactly what a broken heart would feel like so it is possible to die of a broken heart.

  5. I completely agree with everyone that has commented. After reading this article, I totally agree and understand that it actually is possible to die from a broken heart. Losing someone that you love or care about can often lead to depression or anxiety and mental issues as well as physical issues. Due to the fact that this person if full of sadness and pain, their health is at risk. Anyone can become vulnerable to a heart attack after experiencing such traumatic events of losing someone you care about. Even though it does sound ridiculous, it is possible to die from a broken heart because of all the grieve and sadness.

  6. I found this article really interesting because it proves that people can die of a broken heart. This made me think about when Woodrow Wilson went on his US tour to promote the League of Nations. When it failed, he ended up dying of a broken heart. Losing someone or having something tragic happen to a person can make them really depressed and can trigger later health problems, usually blood pressure problems. Usually when a person goes through a loss of a loved one, they grieve for a certain periods of time. However, sometimes the grief can lead to depression and can lead to that individual to end up not taking care of themselves; they won't eat or take their daily medications. So I agree, a death of a broken heart is possible if something traumatic were to happen in that person's life and they can't recover from it.

  7. Before reading the article I would have never thought that someone can die of a broken heart. As of now I believe that they can and I agree with everyone's comments about people dying with broken hearts because of the stress they experience after they lose a loved one. I found the article really interesting that someone can die from losing a loved one because usually I would think that people would experience severe depression but I did not think it could get to the point of death.

  8. The idea that a person could die of a broken heart after the sudden death of a loved one is very scary to think about. In her case the fact that she was with her husband for that long also lead to the contributing factor because of the emotional factor that is behind losing someone. In my opinion I feel that someone could die of a broken heart only because of the emotional factor behind losing your significant other because it is something that down the line could have a negative effect on a person only because of the emotional toll is taken out of the person especially.
