The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein

Friday, January 30, 2015

ARR # 3 Period 5

Can people die of a broken heart? Check this out! In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.


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  2. I found this article fascinating because at first, I could not wrap my brain around the hypothesis that there is a connection between the mind and the body in the sense that "heartache can affect one's health." It is so interesting to actually consider the data and the fact there is solid scientific evidence to support broken heart syndrome; for example, spouse death leads to a 30-50% spike in chances of death for the living partner (in the first 6 months). Once again, it is just mind-boggling to think about the fact that an emotion can affect someone's health and internal well being. Also, this relates to the case of Woodrow Wilson, that we learned in History Class. In APUSH, Ms. O’Hern told us that President Wilson died in office, and the official autopsy revealed that the cause of death was 'a broken heart.' Woodrow Wilson died of a broken heart because he was so crestfallen after his life's work, the League of Nations, was rejected and ultimately failed. I think this is a real phenomenon, and I wonder if there is an anecdote for true heartache.

  3. I found this article fascinating because when people speak of having a broken heart, it is typically not in a literal sense. However, this article and the statistics presented within it prove otherwise. When thinking about it more pensively, I can understand how a saddening experience or loss can take a toll on ones physical health. The stress induced by grief can often times be unbearable and create a pain in ones heart that can be felt. According to the article, this pain could be caused by the swelling of a heart's ventricles that can cause damage to the heart and in severe cases prove fatal. This is known as Broken Heart Syndrome, and is not fictional as it affects those who experience trauma or loss, and most specifically widows. Women are more prone to the syndrome, which is a little unsettling. I agree with Jimmy that Woodrow Wilson died of a broken heart; as soon as I read the title of this article I was relieved that my previous belief of him dying because of this wasn't completely crazy. Wilson felt lament toward engaging the US in WW1, and felt responsible for the deaths that had occurred during the war. Along with this, his 'Fourteen Points' which he intended on being passed with the Treaty of Versailles were a failure, as was the League of Nations which he aspired for so vehemently.

    1. I also found this article fascinating. When learning about Wilson and how he died from a broken heart, I did not think it was true. Clearly, it could've been. I was very surprised to read about how broken heart syndrome tends to occur mostly during the spring and summer. I agree with you Jill in understanding how stress and grief can really take a toll on one's body. It really makes me think about how every single part of our body works together and depends on each other. Depression can cause physical discomfort and can really hurt your body. Taking all of this into account, what would be the best way to prevent broken heart syndrome?

  4. This article was very interesting. It was shocking to learn that older women can get broken heart syndrome more easily than older men. It was also very shocking for the body to stress so much over the loss that one could die soon after another has passed. I also agree with Jill that President Woodraw could have died of a broken heart over the League of Nations.
    -Kristen Belmore

  5. It was shocking to hear that it is possible to die of a broken heart. It is amazing how there is a correlation that after a partner dies, a person could die of a broken heart but yet experience bad health. Jill and Kristen both note how Woodrow Wilson could have died of a broken heart over the League of Nations. The example with Wilson and the person in the article are perfect examples of dying from a broken heart

    - RJ Agostinelli

    1. I agree with RJ and Kristen I was really surprised how Broken Heart Syndrome is an actual diagnosis. You always hear about people being depressed and hurt when someone close to them dies, but the thought of it actually leading you to death is amazing to me. I know that losing someone takes a huge toll on you but I would still never imagine it to be a health risk, especially something that you are unable to control, because you never know when something can break your heart. So it is kind of crazy to think that when someones "heart is broken" it could actually be taken in the literal sense.

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  7. i would have to say that i did not know that this could happen i have lost lost of family that was all way there for me like fiona said when someone heart is broken it could actually be taking in the literal sense i would say that this could be me at times beacues of people i lost

  8. I agree with everyone that it was surprising to learn that Broken Heart Syndrome is an actual diagnosis. I did not think that emotional problems could then lead to internal health problems. It is crazy to think that everything is connected like that in the body. When reading this, I realized that this could have occurred in my family about not too long ago. When my great-grandfather passed away, my great-grandmother, who was healthy and not dealing with any health issues, died 4 days later. She could have died from this complication: a broken heart. -Mike Bolstad

  9. I agree with everyone else as they state that it is truly astounding to learn that Broken Heart Syndrome exits. Though it is surprising, it all actually makes sense. Spending the majority of your life with someone you love, then losing them, is tragic and bound to take some sort of toll on your body. I read in the news the other day that a coupled that was married since 1947 died within hours of each other: just like Noah and Allie from the Notebook. This reminds me of Broken Heart Syndrome because this couple have shared their lives together and as one dies the other soon followed because they did not want to live with a broken heart. I understand that this example is from the extreme part of the spectrum and that Broken Heart Syndrome is more related to trauma, but I think that it shows that some couples who would be labeled as soul mates are more connected than they think. Their hearts are physically affected by one another.

  10. I agree with everyone that this is very surprising. I found it very interesting that something like this can actually happen to people. Like Aoife said, I also thought that this was not true at first, but reading through it all became very real. I agree with Fiona that losing someone can take a huge toll on a person, but having a broken heart is interesting to think of as a health risk. -tyana

  11. I was not as shocked as others to find the broke heart syndrome was a real diagnosis because I had already heard of it. However, it is still interesting that a mind-body connection can cause such an affect on the body. I agree with Hannah that it is not a far fetched idea because a person spends their whole life with their significant other and then suddendly lose them. It is already hard enough to lose a loved one, but after so many years of their presence it can be impossible to resume everyday life. However, I do not see the relevance of Papa Young's comment. Thanks for the offer but no thanks. -Chris D

  12. Until I had read this Article I never thought "dying from a broken heart" was even real and just an expression. But if this is true i do not see how you could prevent something like this, connections we make with other people have strong ties on our lives and if we loose the closest people to us we experience great grief. I agree with Hannah that this is tragic and would definitely have a severed consequence on our bodies. what also makes this so upsetting to know about this is that we can't prevent it, to not being able feel remorse for the people we care about would just mean we loose the part of ourselves that make us human. Along with that this is an emotional struggle the individual must over come.

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  14. After reading this article, I had a similar reaction to everyone in the confusion of the correlation of emotional pain being equal to physical pain. I thought the comparison of someone who just got dumped and someone touching a really hot cup of coffee having an equal reaction in the nervous system of the brain is incredible. The fact that emotions can really get to the better of you is intriguing and frightening at the same time. Also, the stats of these cases seemed to come primarily from Europe and so I am curious how the rest of the world may differ in these stats and if there are any differences between regions, I wonder why.

  15. I am also shocked that Broken Heart Syndrome is an actual diagnosis. I thought it was just an emotion someone felt. It surprises me on how an emotion can affect the heart to make it feel like a heart attack. I also agree with the people that mentioned Woodrow Wilson dying of a broken heart. At first, I thought he died because he stressed himself too much in trying to get his 14 points to pass, and he already had high blood pressure. After reading this article, I now agree that he had Broken Heart Syndrome and died because of it, since he had put so much effort in trying to get his 14 points to pass to see it fail.
