The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.– Albert Einstein
Monday, March 10, 2014
ARR # 3 Period 3
Can people die of a broken heart? Check this out! In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.
I have heard of Broken Heart Syndrome but I didn't know much about it and I didn't really believe that it was true but after reading the article it's a little more clear. My Great Grandmother's husband died a few years ago and I believe that the only reason why she did not have severe health issues afterward or Broken Heart Syndrome was due to her children and siblings. She has a lady that takes care of her so she has the emotional support since the day that he passed away but has gotten really sick we just don't know what to associate it with. It is most likely because she is almost 90 years old but it could also be because of my Great Grandfather's death.
The only time I had heard of dying of a broken heart was when I visited elephants many years ago and learned that it is common for one to die soon after their partner does. I did not think a heart could literally break for humans or animals, I knew it had to be stress related. Of course if no family or friends are there to comfort those who are suffering from grief it is more likely to lead to chronic medical problems. I have experienced myself literal pain in my heart when something terrible happens, but I never knew there was actually a term called broken heart syndrome. It's interesting how our emotions can be so powerful sometimes, in this case for the worst.
After reading this article, I had a very strong connection to it. Last September, my grandmother passed away and then three months later, my grandfather suddenly passed away as well. There was not any signs of fatal illnesses or anything. My family did not want to get an autopsy because we just assumed he passed a while due to a broken heart and missing my grandmother too much. As the article mentioned, after a spouse dies, the other spouse has to live on. This could be depressing because the other spouse may not know how to live without the other after being with them for so long. It's interesting how that works, how our bodies and minds become to used to another person that being without them almost seems unnatural. This article had a connection to me because I got to read about how my grandfather may of passed away after my grandmother.
Like Lizzie, I have had quite a few experiences of family members and close family friends dying due to broken heart syndrome. I never actually thought that it was real until I read this article. To be honest when I was younger I used to think people would stop caring for themselves after their spouse died which caused them to die. Although it might contribute to a sudden death, it's really sad for those who have to endure the physical pain of a broken heart. Also are spouses the only ones who can suffer from broken heart syndrome? Since doctors know that this is occuring in many patients, is there any way that broken heart syndrome can be prevented ? Although someone may die suddenly from a broken heart, they still suffer emotionally, so is there any way to cope ?
I have heard of the “broken heart syndrome” before, but I was not sure if it was a real thing. I did not think it was possible to actually have health conditions or even die of a broken heart. I thought it was just something people would say when they feel heartache, that they were just overacting or something. I thinking the same thing Jazmin said when she did not know emotions could be so powerful that they could actually kill you. I read on twitter one time that when you experience a broken heart that one of your heartstrings gets pulled and can even tear or break causing heartache or the “broken heart syndrome.” I thought this was just something that someone made up, but apparently it’s something people experience all the time. Could there ever be a treatment to help people cope with this syndrome? Maybe therapy would be the best option or maybe anti-depressants. Is having broken heart syndrome the same thing or similar to being depressed? Does the feeling of having a broken heart ever go away, or is it something that lasts for the rest of your life?
Wow, even though this myth may be hard to believe, it is very convincing due to the evidence. My mind is blown because i really never wouldv'e thought that the hearty strings can actually break and cause death. It would be interesting however to understand why broken heart syndrome prefers warmer weather that colder whether where heart attacks are more common and broken heart syndrome is more rare. Just thinking generally, it is amazing how the mind can trigger something so severe as heart issues when a close person dies instantly. It shows how the whole body is so in sync with itself that the brain can actually control how your heart acts based on your vigorous change in emotion. Similar to Emily, i read a myth that the heart strings breaking was actually possible, and after reading this, I realized that it was not a myth. I would love to know if there are any other syndromes similar to broken heart syndrome. Can the brain break down and cause death by something like excess stress or overthinking?
I agree with Brandon. It is always interesting to see how the human body actually works. Broken heart syndrome is definitely the most interesting. Before reading this article, I thought strings in the heart broke after a heart break, but that's not the case. It is amazing how emotions effect the body. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that when someone experiences a heart break the left ventricle swells; how does the body even know when one is stressed or depressed? Though there is scientific evidence to prove this syndrome I still can't believe this theory. It just seems so unreal to me. Yes someone who's spouse or partner dies unexpectedly may experience depression for a while, but I don't think it can cause a part of your heart to swell and affect you to the point where you're in the hospital. I would definitely like to look into this theory more and read first hand accounts.
This just shows people how powerfull the brain is. The brain realizes when someone is deppressed or has a sudden change in emotion, leading to broken heart strings. And the brain can even cause death in some cases, proving that the brain is more powerfull than people actaully think it is. I had never heard of this syndrom untill I read about it, and after had read the evidence this pororpsed myth seems like it could be true. But can these broken heart strings be repaired, and are people that have had a previouse broken heartstring be more apt to die from one if it were to happen again? In response to Brandon's questions, I do not belive that overthinking or stress can cause the brain to shut down. But it could make someone make the wrong decsion, cause lack of health.
Like Lizzie and Courtney, I have also known some people who are believed to had died from a broken heart. My mother told me that shortly after my grandmother passed away, my grandfather became really sick and had to be hospitalized frequently. He did end up passing away some time after my grandmother, but I didn’t really believe my aunt and mother when they said he died from a broken heart. I knew he had Alzheimer disease and just assumed that was the major cause of his death, although he was only 64 when he died from the disease. As I have heard about broken heart syndrome countless times within the past few years, I think this is something very real and serious. It is crazy to think that if someone’s spouse dies, they too can die shortly after from a love sick, broken heart. But I think it is even more unbelievable that even a break up can cause someone to slightly experience broken heart syndrome with things like asthma attacks or the flu. To answer Emily’s question about the possibility of the broken heart going away, I believe it does not but the person affected learns to live with a broken heart and motivate themselves to keep living if possible, for their loved ones who are still alive.
I've heard of Broke Heart Syndrome but I never thought it was real. I always believed that it was only said that people died from a broken heart, and that it was just a myth. This article was very interesting to me because it cleared up my misconception. I find it fascinating that someone can die from Broken Heart Syndrome. Like Jazmin I think it is interesting how our emotions can be so powerful sometimes. The fact that the heart breaks over the loss of a loved one makes me wonder what actually happens when someone dies from a broken heart. Obviously the heart does not actually break, I'm curious about how the emotions and connections to a person are so strong that without them it leads to death. I'd like to know what is actually happening in the heart. This article sparked my interest in the heart because the idea of Broken Heart Syndrome is so fascinating.
Similar to Lizzie’s response, I actually have heard of this syndrome before. I had a neighbor who lived across the street from me with his sister ever since they were old enough to move out of their parents' house. The both of them were no taller than five feet and they found the right love companion so the two of them were inseparable. However, the brother died of old age and just a short week after his burial, the sister collapsed and was pronounced dead. All the neighbors gathered around to mourn the death of the legendary best friends who happened to be siblings; they concluded that the sister "died of a broken heart." Never thinking they were actually being literal about the cause of the sister's death, I figured it was just a metaphoric explanation because the sister's health did not seem to be at risk, like Lizzie’s grandfather. The two siblings, though not married because that would be illegal, were soul mates. This article not only excites my interest because it relates to something I have witnessed, but it also fascinates me to hear some facts about the human heart and brain that I had no idea about. For example, Conger says that the tool of brain imaging technology has shown that “the heartache of being dumped and the pain of a bare hand holding a piping hot cup of coffee are identical.” This very much shocked me because it is scientifically proven that mental chaos and stress of rejection mirrors physical pain—like holding a scorching cup of coffee. Trauma does do some extremely detrimental things to the human body whether we can control it or not, and similar to Brandon’s comment, I wonder if other factors could also cause this swelling of the ventricles such as anxiety. Very fascinating! Definitely the best article so far!
My mom used to always say, "falling in love can end with a broken heart." I never believed her. Although it is fictitious, there are still elements that can conclude in a broken heart. As I read the article, I was completely shocked and overall petrified. I cannot believe that there is a direct correlation between deaths of spouses because it is too astounding to believe. As Brandon had said previously, I am shocked that this was even discovered because it is so small and can be missed. As Jazmin had said also, our emotions can control so much, like a woman being able to support a pregnancy if she is under distress. This article was wicked informing and overall specific. I am still confused as to how it breaks, but I based it off of what I have heard in the media. I just hope that because there is little research supporting this new cause of death, nothing too big can come from it. Honestly, it scares me. My grandmother passed away last September and since then, my grandfather has been not too well himself, which is evident as the article said men usually succumb after their wives' deaths. Despite my fears, I still believe this article was very interesting and eye-opening. I would definitely recommend research into this new cause of death.
Similar to Brandon, I never really thought there was actual evidence that supported having Broken Heart Syndrome. I always thought that having a broken heart just meant that someone misses someone so terribly after they pass away that they give up on taking care of themselves. Similar to some of you, I can think of several instances when I knew that a person died of a broken heart. About a year ago, my neighbor died and I remember going to her wake and funeral to pay my respects and I had never seen her husband so upset in my entire life and for the next few weeks he seemed like a completely different person and just a few weeks after his wife's death, he unfortunately passed away and when I was at his wake and funeral everyone seemed somewhat relieved because they knew he would finally be reunited with his wife. However, at this point I still think I agree with Lilah because if someone I loved ever passed away I think that I would experience depression but I am not sure it would get as extreme as dying from a broken heart. Overall I liked this article a lot and would like to look into research that is being done on the topic and any of the developments and findings research that people have found. Because broken heart syndrome is a legit thing hopefully a cure will be found for it one day.
This article was very interesting and taught me a lot that I have never actually stopped to think about. I always thought a "broken heart" was a mix of just kind of being sad and maybe a little bit of drama. As Michael touched on i am very surprised someone was even able to figure this out because of how easy it is to miss. I always knew that broken hear could cause some sort of depression but was never aware of the fact that it could actually kill someone. I am a little confused on how the loss of someone could actually kill another person.
This article was extremely interesting because there are many misconceptions involving Broken Heart Syndrome. Similar to Olivia, I was aware of the existence of the condition but I never thought it was a real sickness that could end up killing someone. I was first thinking like Anna, where I knew that the loss of a person could cause deep depression and overall a sad life. However I did not expect that the heart had the ability to physically break and cause death. Overall, this article was interesting and cleared up my understanding of the topic.
Before reading this article I was convinced that when people's hearts broke that a crack or break went through the middle of their heart. I have never heard of this syndrome before. I always thought that when someone experienced heart break that it was just sadness or something on an emotional level. I agree with Michael's comment that it is so surprising that doctors could detect this! If I was a doctor and a patient came to me claiming they had a broken heart, I would probably just give them some cookies and send them on their way. It's a good thing I am not a doctor. It's sad that there is no cure for broken heart syndrome other than Ben and Jerry's? I hope one day they'll find one. This would make falling in love less scary. Some say it is better to have loved than to have lost but I losing someone you love is the worse thing that could happen.
Unlike the rest of my classmates, I had not known about Broken Heart Syndrome. Obviously, I knew that something such as death of a spouse could cause someone to feel depressed or lonely, but I did not know there was a condition for it. I like this article and thought it was very interesting because it taught me about something that I had no idea even existed. Similarly to Anna, I was very surprised to find out that it can actually kill someone. I feel like there should be a cure for this other than therapy because therapy does not help for all. This is something very serious and common so it should be taken serious. I hope this can eventually be aware world-wide
This article was very interesting and sad, along with Sequoia I have never heard of Broken Heart Syndrome I always thought it was fake. It is upsetting to know that this happens and it can actually kill people. I also agree with Niles that it is crazy how doctors could figure this out because it always seemed like a broken heart was just a symbol for someone's loneliness or depression and is scary to think that people can be so hurt after the death of a spouse. Overall, this article was extremely interesting and has taught me that somethings can be more serious than most people think.
Just like Nairobi (who I didn't realize was in our class), I didn't bileave it was true and just one of those crazy myths. I think this is a pretty said disease as someone who you have been with died tragically and you then get Broken Heart Disease as it makes things even more worse. Originally, I thought people just get depressed after one's loss, but detecting Broken Heart Disease just shows how great science is and I personally bileave more research should be done with this. I would like to know how age can affect this disease like how does a 80 react to an 18 year old to this Disease? Last, I wish that no one has to go through this in the future and like Sequoia I wish every knows about this as they do not have to go through this alone.
I have heard of dying because of a broken heart, but never the term "broken heart syndrome." I thought the article was interesting even though I was skeptical in the beginning. It was mind-boggling to read that our body and mind enter a "fight or flight" mode once a loved one has passed. Although this passage was attention grabbing and did answer a lot of questions, it failed to answer a few. Couldn't all of the cases in which people have died six months after their spouse be a coincidence? In most of the cases, the couples were elderly, and there are many health risks that come with being that age. Although I still have more questions on this topic, it is one I have never thought about before and, like Brenden, (Broken Heart Syndrome*) I believe that more research should be made.
This article made me very pessimistic for the future. Although it was interesting I never heard of this before and it is very sad. Anything abnormal or out of the ordinary that occurs due to a heart break (other than the tears and the few pounds gained by Ben&Jerry's ice cream), is ridiculous. Swelling of the heart's left ventricle is even more crazy because the heart is a vital organ. Similar to Sequoia, I hope that more people hear about this disease and will as result try to only keep healthy relationships with people in their lives. However, it is terrifying to imagine that if someone broke my heart my health will suddenly be put in danger. The thing is you can't really stop someone from breaking your heart. Knowing that there is no real way to prevent this disease basically saying the no one is safe.
I have heard of Broken Heart Syndrome but I didn't know much about it and I didn't really believe that it was true but after reading the article it's a little more clear. My Great Grandmother's husband died a few years ago and I believe that the only reason why she did not have severe health issues afterward or Broken Heart Syndrome was due to her children and siblings. She has a lady that takes care of her so she has the emotional support since the day that he passed away but has gotten really sick we just don't know what to associate it with. It is most likely because she is almost 90 years old but it could also be because of my Great Grandfather's death.
ReplyDeleteThe only time I had heard of dying of a broken heart was when I visited elephants many years ago and learned that it is common for one to die soon after their partner does. I did not think a heart could literally break for humans or animals, I knew it had to be stress related. Of course if no family or friends are there to comfort those who are suffering from grief it is more likely to lead to chronic medical problems. I have experienced myself literal pain in my heart when something terrible happens, but I never knew there was actually a term called broken heart syndrome. It's interesting how our emotions can be so powerful sometimes, in this case for the worst.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this article, I had a very strong connection to it. Last September, my grandmother passed away and then three months later, my grandfather suddenly passed away as well. There was not any signs of fatal illnesses or anything. My family did not want to get an autopsy because we just assumed he passed a while due to a broken heart and missing my grandmother too much. As the article mentioned, after a spouse dies, the other spouse has to live on. This could be depressing because the other spouse may not know how to live without the other after being with them for so long. It's interesting how that works, how our bodies and minds become to used to another person that being without them almost seems unnatural. This article had a connection to me because I got to read about how my grandfather may of passed away after my grandmother.
ReplyDeleteLike Lizzie, I have had quite a few experiences of family members and close family friends dying due to broken heart syndrome. I never actually thought that it was real until I read this article. To be honest when I was younger I used to think people would stop caring for themselves after their spouse died which caused them to die. Although it might contribute to a sudden death, it's really sad for those who have to endure the physical pain of a broken heart. Also are spouses the only ones who can suffer from broken heart syndrome? Since doctors know that this is occuring in many patients, is there any way that broken heart syndrome can be prevented ? Although someone may die suddenly from a broken heart, they still suffer emotionally, so is there any way to cope ?
ReplyDeleteI have heard of the “broken heart syndrome” before, but I was not sure if it was a real thing. I did not think it was possible to actually have health conditions or even die of a broken heart. I thought it was just something people would say when they feel heartache, that they were just overacting or something. I thinking the same thing Jazmin said when she did not know emotions could be so powerful that they could actually kill you. I read on twitter one time that when you experience a broken heart that one of your heartstrings gets pulled and can even tear or break causing heartache or the “broken heart syndrome.” I thought this was just something that someone made up, but apparently it’s something people experience all the time. Could there ever be a treatment to help people cope with this syndrome? Maybe therapy would be the best option or maybe anti-depressants. Is having broken heart syndrome the same thing or similar to being depressed? Does the feeling of having a broken heart ever go away, or is it something that lasts for the rest of your life?
ReplyDeleteWow, even though this myth may be hard to believe, it is very convincing due to the evidence. My mind is blown because i really never wouldv'e thought that the hearty strings can actually break and cause death. It would be interesting however to understand why broken heart syndrome prefers warmer weather that colder whether where heart attacks are more common and broken heart syndrome is more rare. Just thinking generally, it is amazing how the mind can trigger something so severe as heart issues when a close person dies instantly. It shows how the whole body is so in sync with itself that the brain can actually control how your heart acts based on your vigorous change in emotion. Similar to Emily, i read a myth that the heart strings breaking was actually possible, and after reading this, I realized that it was not a myth. I would love to know if there are any other syndromes similar to broken heart syndrome. Can the brain break down and cause death by something like excess stress or overthinking?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Brandon. It is always interesting to see how the human body actually works. Broken heart syndrome is definitely the most interesting. Before reading this article, I thought strings in the heart broke after a heart break, but that's not the case. It is amazing how emotions effect the body. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that when someone experiences a heart break the left ventricle swells; how does the body even know when one is stressed or depressed? Though there is scientific evidence to prove this syndrome I still can't believe this theory. It just seems so unreal to me. Yes someone who's spouse or partner dies unexpectedly may experience depression for a while, but I don't think it can cause a part of your heart to swell and affect you to the point where you're in the hospital. I would definitely like to look into this theory more and read first hand accounts.
ReplyDeleteThis just shows people how powerfull the brain is. The brain realizes when someone is deppressed or has a sudden change in emotion, leading to broken heart strings. And the brain can even cause death in some cases, proving that the brain is more powerfull than people actaully think it is. I had never heard of this syndrom untill I read about it, and after had read the evidence this pororpsed myth seems like it could be true. But can these broken heart strings be repaired, and are people that have had a previouse broken heartstring be more apt to die from one if it were to happen again? In response to Brandon's questions, I do not belive that overthinking or stress can cause the brain to shut down. But it could make someone make the wrong decsion, cause lack of health.
ReplyDeleteLike Lizzie and Courtney, I have also known some people who are believed to had died from a broken heart. My mother told me that shortly after my grandmother passed away, my grandfather became really sick and had to be hospitalized frequently. He did end up passing away some time after my grandmother, but I didn’t really believe my aunt and mother when they said he died from a broken heart. I knew he had Alzheimer disease and just assumed that was the major cause of his death, although he was only 64 when he died from the disease. As I have heard about broken heart syndrome countless times within the past few years, I think this is something very real and serious. It is crazy to think that if someone’s spouse dies, they too can die shortly after from a love sick, broken heart. But I think it is even more unbelievable that even a break up can cause someone to slightly experience broken heart syndrome with things like asthma attacks or the flu. To answer Emily’s question about the possibility of the broken heart going away, I believe it does not but the person affected learns to live with a broken heart and motivate themselves to keep living if possible, for their loved ones who are still alive.
ReplyDeleteI've heard of Broke Heart Syndrome but I never thought it was real. I always believed that it was only said that people died from a broken heart, and that it was just a myth. This article was very interesting to me because it cleared up my misconception. I find it fascinating that someone can die from Broken Heart Syndrome. Like Jazmin I think it is interesting how our emotions can be so powerful sometimes. The fact that the heart breaks over the loss of a loved one makes me wonder what actually happens when someone dies from a broken heart. Obviously the heart does not actually break, I'm curious about how the emotions and connections to a person are so strong that without them it leads to death. I'd like to know what is actually happening in the heart. This article sparked my interest in the heart because the idea of Broken Heart Syndrome is so fascinating.
ReplyDeleteSimilar to Lizzie’s response, I actually have heard of this syndrome before. I had a neighbor who lived across the street from me with his sister ever since they were old enough to move out of their parents' house. The both of them were no taller than five feet and they found the right love companion so the two of them were inseparable. However, the brother died of old age and just a short week after his burial, the sister collapsed and was pronounced dead. All the neighbors gathered around to mourn the death of the legendary best friends who happened to be siblings; they concluded that the sister "died of a broken heart." Never thinking they were actually being literal about the cause of the sister's death, I figured it was just a metaphoric explanation because the sister's health did not seem to be at risk, like Lizzie’s grandfather. The two siblings, though not married because that would be illegal, were soul mates. This article not only excites my interest because it relates to something I have witnessed, but it also fascinates me to hear some facts about the human heart and brain that I had no idea about. For example, Conger says that the tool of brain imaging technology has shown that “the heartache of being dumped and the pain of a bare hand holding a piping hot cup of coffee are identical.” This very much shocked me because it is scientifically proven that mental chaos and stress of rejection mirrors physical pain—like holding a scorching cup of coffee. Trauma does do some extremely detrimental things to the human body whether we can control it or not, and similar to Brandon’s comment, I wonder if other factors could also cause this swelling of the ventricles such as anxiety. Very fascinating! Definitely the best article so far!
ReplyDeleteMy mom used to always say, "falling in love can end with a broken heart." I never believed her. Although it is fictitious, there are still elements that can conclude in a broken heart. As I read the article, I was completely shocked and overall petrified. I cannot believe that there is a direct correlation between deaths of spouses because it is too astounding to believe. As Brandon had said previously, I am shocked that this was even discovered because it is so small and can be missed. As Jazmin had said also, our emotions can control so much, like a woman being able to support a pregnancy if she is under distress. This article was wicked informing and overall specific. I am still confused as to how it breaks, but I based it off of what I have heard in the media. I just hope that because there is little research supporting this new cause of death, nothing too big can come from it. Honestly, it scares me. My grandmother passed away last September and since then, my grandfather has been not too well himself, which is evident as the article said men usually succumb after their wives' deaths. Despite my fears, I still believe this article was very interesting and eye-opening. I would definitely recommend research into this new cause of death.
ReplyDeleteSimilar to Brandon, I never really thought there was actual evidence that supported having Broken Heart Syndrome. I always thought that having a broken heart just meant that someone misses someone so terribly after they pass away that they give up on taking care of themselves. Similar to some of you, I can think of several instances when I knew that a person died of a broken heart. About a year ago, my neighbor died and I remember going to her wake and funeral to pay my respects and I had never seen her husband so upset in my entire life and for the next few weeks he seemed like a completely different person and just a few weeks after his wife's death, he unfortunately passed away and when I was at his wake and funeral everyone seemed somewhat relieved because they knew he would finally be reunited with his wife. However, at this point I still think I agree with Lilah because if someone I loved ever passed away I think that I would experience depression but I am not sure it would get as extreme as dying from a broken heart. Overall I liked this article a lot and would like to look into research that is being done on the topic and any of the developments and findings research that people have found. Because broken heart syndrome is a legit thing hopefully a cure will be found for it one day.
ReplyDeleteThis article was very interesting and taught me a lot that I have never actually stopped to think about. I always thought a "broken heart" was a mix of just kind of being sad and maybe a little bit of drama. As Michael touched on i am very surprised someone was even able to figure this out because of how easy it is to miss. I always knew that broken hear could cause some sort of depression but was never aware of the fact that it could actually kill someone. I am a little confused on how the loss of someone could actually kill another person.
ReplyDeleteThis article was extremely interesting because there are many misconceptions involving Broken Heart Syndrome. Similar to Olivia, I was aware of the existence of the condition but I never thought it was a real sickness that could end up killing someone. I was first thinking like Anna, where I knew that the loss of a person could cause deep depression and overall a sad life. However I did not expect that the heart had the ability to physically break and cause death. Overall, this article was interesting and cleared up my understanding of the topic.
ReplyDeleteBefore reading this article I was convinced that when people's hearts broke that a crack or break went through the middle of their heart. I have never heard of this syndrome before. I always thought that when someone experienced heart break that it was just sadness or something on an emotional level. I agree with Michael's comment that it is so surprising that doctors could detect this! If I was a doctor and a patient came to me claiming they had a broken heart, I would probably just give them some cookies and send them on their way. It's a good thing I am not a doctor. It's sad that there is no cure for broken heart syndrome other than Ben and Jerry's? I hope one day they'll find one. This would make falling in love less scary. Some say it is better to have loved than to have lost but I losing someone you love is the worse thing that could happen.
ReplyDeleteUnlike the rest of my classmates, I had not known about Broken Heart Syndrome. Obviously, I knew that something such as death of a spouse could cause someone to feel depressed or lonely, but I did not know there was a condition for it. I like this article and thought it was very interesting because it taught me about something that I had no idea even existed. Similarly to Anna, I was very surprised to find out that it can actually kill someone. I feel like there should be a cure for this other than therapy because therapy does not help for all. This is something very serious and common so it should be taken serious. I hope this can eventually be aware world-wide
ReplyDeleteThis article was very interesting and sad, along with Sequoia I have never heard of Broken Heart Syndrome I always thought it was fake. It is upsetting to know that this happens and it can actually kill people. I also agree with Niles that it is crazy how doctors could figure this out because it always seemed like a broken heart was just a symbol for someone's loneliness or depression and is scary to think that people can be so hurt after the death of a spouse. Overall, this article was extremely interesting and has taught me that somethings can be more serious than most people think.
ReplyDeleteJust like Nairobi (who I didn't realize was in our class), I didn't bileave it was true and just one of those crazy myths. I think this is a pretty said disease as someone who you have been with died tragically and you then get Broken Heart Disease as it makes things even more worse. Originally, I thought people just get depressed after one's loss, but detecting Broken Heart Disease just shows how great science is and I personally bileave more research should be done with this. I would like to know how age can affect this disease like how does a 80 react to an 18 year old to this Disease? Last, I wish that no one has to go through this in the future and like Sequoia I wish every knows about this as they do not have to go through this alone.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of dying because of a broken heart, but never the term "broken heart syndrome." I thought the article was interesting even though I was skeptical in the beginning. It was mind-boggling to read that our body and mind enter a "fight or flight" mode once a loved one has passed. Although this passage was attention grabbing and did answer a lot of questions, it failed to answer a few. Couldn't all of the cases in which people have died six months after their spouse be a coincidence? In most of the cases, the couples were elderly, and there are many health risks that come with being that age. Although I still have more questions on this topic, it is one I have never thought about before and, like Brenden, (Broken Heart Syndrome*) I believe that more research should be made.
ReplyDeleteThis article made me very pessimistic for the future. Although it was interesting I never heard of this before and it is very sad. Anything abnormal or out of the ordinary that occurs due to a heart break (other than the tears and the few pounds gained by Ben&Jerry's ice cream), is ridiculous. Swelling of the heart's left ventricle is even more crazy because the heart is a vital organ. Similar to Sequoia, I hope that more people hear about this disease and will as result try to only keep healthy relationships with people in their lives. However, it is terrifying to imagine that if someone broke my heart my health will suddenly be put in danger. The thing is you can't really stop someone from breaking your heart. Knowing that there is no real way to prevent this disease basically saying the no one is safe.